Thursday, September 17, 2015


I miss having "kaffee und kuchen" every afternoon.
I recently got back from a wonderful trip to Vienna. I was there many years ago…but only for 3 days. This time, we spent 9 days exploring the city.

As you can imagine, I took lots of pictures. Lots.

I mean…LOTS!

So over the next few days I plan to weed through them and choose some that I think show why I love Vienna so much.

For starters, there is Viennese Melange (half black coffee, half milk with a frothy top) and Apfelstrudel mit Eis!


  1. If I could reach through the screen to eat/drink this I would! ;)

    1. me, too! I can still remember how delicious it was! I'm currently on a mission to find a good apple strudel recipe!

  2. I didn't know about your photo blog but I love the idea of keeping it separate from your art blog!! I've never been to Vienna but it conjures up all sorts of images of masked balls and rich chocolate (I've got no idea why!!)

    1. well, i didn't go to any balls but i did bring home some chocolate!! it is delicious!


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